My five year old really wanted to make a unicorn pumpkin for Halloween. I usually go to Target for the ready-made kits. We found an adorable Vamparina kit there, but little Miss Olivia was not happy with just that. She wanted a magical unicorn, not just a "plain" one, so I set out to find a magical unicorn kit. What I discovered is that I should have started looking earlier! Most places had kits that would arrive by Thanksgiving or Christmas or they were in Canada (we are in the U.S.). I am all about unicorns, but let's face it, unicorn pumpkins would clash with my rustic Christmas decor, so alas, I decided we would make a DIY unicorn pumpkin in time for Halloween.
Do you have a DIY pumpkin that you have done? Email us or DM us on Instagram with a picture of your finished pumpkin. Our favorites will be featured on our IG stories on Halloween!
So here are my steps for the world's easiest DIY unicorn pumpkin that was magical enough for my 5 year old!

1. White/Cream Pumpkin (or color of your choice), medium size (fake or real)
2. Unicorn Cake Topper
3. Scissors (if you need them to cut out anything in #5)
4. Hot Glue Gun
5. Glitter Stars, felt flowers, or other fun decorations (be creative!)
6. Unicorn Eyelash Stickers (these came with our cake topper) or you can use a Sharpie to draw them on for you super crafty mamas!
Step 1
Pick out your pumpkin.

We had already painted two pumpkins this year, so I opted for the easy way out. I bought a white/cream pumpkin instead of painting one. Now I know this is cheating, but hey can you blame a tired, busy mama? Here is a similar one to the one we used:
Tip: If you do paint yours, use acrylic paint and a foam brush, you can find that at your local craft store or if your lucky at your local dollar store. Make sure to put a tarp or an old newspaper down before you paint!
Even better, we found an inexpensive fake white pumpkin at the local hardware store so I can save this unicorn for years to come (OK well until Olivia gets over her unicorn phase, but do we really ever outgrow unicorns?).
Step 2
Glue the unicorn cake topper to the pumpkin.
Here is a great cake topper that would work :
Take the cake topper and apply hot glue to the bottom. Press it down right on the top of the pumpkin, in front of the stem.
Step 3
Apply extra flowers (optional)
Hot glue any extra flowers near the unicorn topper to fill in any gaps and to make the unicorn look extra magical! You can get these at your local craft store or on Amazon.
Step 4
Add the unicorn eyelashes and any other fun decor.
We hot glued our eyelashes down (these came with our cake topper) just to make sure they were extra secure. We also found adorable glitter stars that we glued to the cheeks. I think hearts or rainbows would look darling too, so just use your imagination or let your five year old pick something out. Below is what Olivia chose:
Hope your pumpkin turns out great, send us your pumpkin pics or post yours in the comments. We cannot wait to see!

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Wow! Such a beautiful cute DIY unicorn! I love it so much. We will definitely try and do this. Thank you.
Nilakshi | merakimusings
Thanks everyone! If you do try it send your pics our way we would love to feature them!
This is such a cute diy ! My 5 year is obsessed with unicorns too . This pumpkin turned out great maybe we will try this for halloween next year
This is a super cute idea. Thanks for sharing!
My baby girl loves unicorns! We will definitely do this!